Keys to Epic S3x


Epic s3x starts with mindset.

Actually EVERYTHING, ALL things you want to be a success in starts with mindset.

Many people have s3xual mindset that is controlled by a limiting narrative (This is why I have to use the number 3 in my copy) – because someone decided that this is hugely harmful to discuss this topic openly and so it ruffles feathers for many.

S3x is a topic heavily laden with shame, judgments, the fear of God, a constant mantra that You’re born in sin, because of it, negative self regard and then some weird ideas of how s3x is or isn’t “meant” to be.

Your mindset is one of the reasons why You’re struggling to have the most wonderful, earth shattering, cosmic, spiritual experiences when it comes to s3x.

But you have to ask yourself – is what you were taught truly true?

Or was it some deluded person that had no idea and that feared freedom and power that dictated that s3x is a taboo and something to be feared?

I bet that question made you sit back.

You see I am here my amazing being to help you think deeper about this topic.

I want you to question everything.

I want to invite you to open a dialogue with yourself on all levels (You can ask me if you feel stuck, I will do my utmost to help you gain clarity for yourself without dictating to You what You need to believe in terms of s3x).

We’re living in a time now where we are finally questioning and awakening to various things.

To Black lives matter, to gender based violence and so much more.

This is what makes life so incredibly interesting and colourful and messy and beautiful. So I want you to really ask yourself whether what you were taught about your s3xuality and your pleasure is done from a healthy loving compassionate place?

Or from a place of fear mongering.

So what mindset are you subscribing to my love?

Intention; is just hugely underrated. You’ve heard to set an intention when you want to do something right?

And for most they set an unconscious intention of getting “laid” then moving on.

But what would change if You actually set the intention that You would be more present, and through your love making to spread so much love, and connection with your partner?

What do You want to get out of it? Just an orgasm? Or would you like to experience a deeper connection with yourself and your partner, or a deeper connection and more of a spiritual experience with yourself?

Having epic sex means that You can set the intention of experiencing better intimacy, you can look at it as almost having a s3xual north star.

To Your epic pleasure and amazingness

