Self Love & Intimacy

Yes, it’s THAT important

Self love allows you to actually ask your own body permission instead of just going “Why yes, I’ll just sleep with you out of duty or out of fear”.

Self love and self acceptance allows you to truly take that amazing body that you have and to love and accept every inch of it, and when you’re less in your head, less in a state of fear and you no longer worry about your partner rejecting your body, you can fully be present in your body’s amazing ability to experience tremendous pleasure.

Self love, allows you to create safety inside of yourself.

That safety allows you to not worry about expressing yourself fully during intimate moments, and what’s more you won’t trigger so deeply from the old patterns any longer. This means freedom. It means you have the ability to shift into bliss states. States where you lean into deeper levels of pleasure.

This is what self love does. It creates deep safety in yourself on a level that allows you to open up to more orgasms, more pleasure, more laughter, play and joy.

Pleasure changes you neurochemically.