The difference between sex and Conscious sex

Sex has one goal – to climax. Conscious or Sacred Sex is about expansion and experiencing the Divine in it’s most sacred state.

The difference between Conscious Sex and the usual type is this.

Conscious Sex is NOT about the end result. It is about honoring and worshipping your partner as the Divinity that they are. Climax is the LAST thing on a person’s mind. Many individuals that have anorgasmia (Inability or LOW ability to climax) find it hugely stressful when their partner pushes them to climax.

Sometimes purely being present in their pleasure is enough. Simply gently worshipping their body, through licking, kissing and stroking and touching with total presence is enough for them. Anorgasmia comes with it’s own emotional issues, it makes women who struggle from it feel inadequate. It makes them feel like they are broken. Yes, I work with Anorgasmia, but there is in fact a deep lesson that is learned through having that.

And it is to honor yourself. Honor your body, love yourself. At the root Anorgasmia is all about not feeling safe or secure. Women tend to need to feel safe and secure before they will absolutely feel safe to climax. A Climax is a gift. It is a gift of trust, and it should never be taken lightly.

For many sex isn’t safe

For many both male and female, sex doesn’t feel safe. They are left feeling like they aren’t good enough. It is our job as a human society, to bring back safety around our sexuality.

It is our job as society, to ask for consent, to create a stable space of love and compassion. If you or your partner struggles with Anorgasmia, I really want to guide you to first making friends with Your body. What beliefs were you taught about your body, about sex?

What is your pleasure narrative?

What messages did you receive from those that raised You?

Were these messages that Your sexuality is sacred and beautiful?

Or were these messages that You are sin, born in sin, and will always be sin?

And that your body is something to hide away from?

Many parents don’t realize that their unconscious feelings about sex is actually carried over to their children, many times leaving them feeling ashamed about their own natural bodily functions.

And this sadly creates adults that feel unsafe when it comes to their ability to receive and give pleasure. This creates a terrible conflict inside of them and is carried over into their relationships with their partners, many times creating divorces or separations.

When you uncover these messages, and you bring yourself back to homeostasis, to balance, then can You shift into a space of truly becoming deep friends with your body, cultivating safety and security and enjoy your journey – regardless if you’re just enjoying the ride, as well as the destination.

To Your Love, To your Pleasure and Your Consent.

Love Maryke