Your Reticular Activation System

Oh it’s far more important than you realized.

Transcription :

Hi everyone, please note I’m not going to be paying attention to the chats right now as I’m on my phone. But I’ll answer questions throughout the day as I can do that. I just wanted to quickly talk to you about something important.

But leave your questions or send me a direct message in messenger and I will answer them in either another video or I will send you a message.

In today’s video I am going to talk to you about the RAS and its role in your ability to succeed. It’s a crucial bit of kit that you need to understand when you embark on your journey into empowerment.
And it starts off with feeling differently.

It really doesn’t matter who you are or what you do. You can only be blessed when you really feel blessed.
Let’s start off with Luck is something that is made, luck is a mindset. It is an attitude and it is in itself incredibly powerful.

Ever wonder why some people have the ability to reach their goals? Or it seems that they always score? Well this is because they have their RAS tuned in on a certain frequency, and this frequency allows them to filter out the things that don’t matter – like giving up on their dreams, loneliness, anger, frustration and other limiting beliefs that many folks across the world suffer from.

And how does one activate it luck and your mindset?

You activate it simply through activating your Reticular Activation System.

The reticular activating system (RAS) is a network of neurons located in the brain stem, one of its jobs is to filter out unnecessary information so that only the things that are really important get’s through and it keeps unnecessary stuff out.

The important stuff depends of course completely what is important to you.

So if you’re going to believe that ALL men or all women are cheaters and bad, then you’re going to of course ONLY see and experience that as it directly correlates with your beliefs.

Another way of how it works is this. Let’s say you have a certain car in a specific colour that you just love, you’re going to become more honed in on that car and the colour and will start to notice more of that on a daily basis.

Most other cars will go largely unnoticed, you’ll see it but they won’t really be picked up by your system because to you, you specifically love this car and it’s colour.

Your RAS is also the filter that allows you to tune out talking crowd of people, but the moment someone says something specifically your attention is completely drawn to it in a mere moment. I.e Like your name, or something you might believe in or like.

It’s a filter of what you’re focusing on, so it sifts out all the data and only brings to you what is important, this process happens very quickly and you aren’t aware of it.

Your RAS is always seeking information that validates all of your beliefs. And as you now know, beliefs are created by situations, family stories and beliefs.

Your RAS will absolutely amplify your beliefs, so should you hold the belief that you aren’t capable of speaking to the sex you’re interested in then it will validate that constantly.

If you believe that a certain group of people are bad, it will validate it.

This filters your entire world through these special parameters that you have programme into it, and those parameters are shaped by your beliefs. In turn it influences your actions and reactions.

Still believe that any failure you’ve ever struggled with is out of your control? It’s not. Clear out your beliefs and focus your RAS on new beliefs and your life changes for the better. It influences your choices and your life powerfully.

You know those sayings like “I died laughing?” Yup, your RAS is taking you up literally my friend.

Music and media and tv shows influence your RAS because, when you’re emotional while watching something (And this can largely happen without you realizing because you’re in a state of escapism) your hormones and emotions are al influencing your RAS because the shows are playing on your beliefs.

So there’s a bit of a process to actually get your brain to work for you instead of against you. First of all emotional states are really important. Secondly you need to know what it is you want in life, not what you don’t want.
Knowing what you want allows you to actually set your inner GPS, people are constantly focused on what they don’t want and to the brain, it means you want it because you’re constantly focusing on that thing that you don’t want. EYYYOOOHHHH. See that? I know. Already a radical mind shift there.

You need to clear out the traumatic experiences that you went through, this is done through various methods, like hypnosis, meditation (as long as it’s productive) Physiological somatic work, cognitive based somatic work, NLP, Vestibular/Visual Exercises which is a movement of the head up and down while keeping your eyes locked on a finger, spinal realignment work and various other therapies and modalities that have been born over the last few years.

This now allows you to reset you beliefs quicker instead of letting those events still playing in your brain over and over again.

The brain doesn’t tell time, so in your own mind you’re still 4 or 2 or 10 years old when a certain event happened that created a set of beliefs and from there they are compounded over time, they keep being proven right, because your RAS has been hyper focused on those so called truths.

So as they are more compounded what happens?

The grooves in your brain get’s deeper and it becomes ingrained. Symptoms like sexual issues, relationship troubles, fatigue and various symptoms become part of your life, as your brain tries to protect you from something similar.

You brain works like a pattern matrix recognition system. This means every experience the created a highly emotional state creates a beliefs system, and that information is all filed away in the brain and body, so your brain takes certain situations that have any remotely similar information from those events that happened and it then recognizes patters, it will then create some forms of protection to prevent you from experiencing this potentially life threatening situation even if it’s not actually life threatening.
Your entire reptilian complex goes online to protect you from a perceived threat.

Otherwise known as a belief on some level. It’s a very complex system, but it’s very powerful.

So, the law of attraction is actually your own brain and body influencing your environment. Because you’re working through these filters that is constantly creating your actions and reactions.

Cool right? Not so woowoo.

This goes for “deserving and worthiness” too. If you’re feeling guilty or ashamed, and it’s accompanied with “I don’t deserve”, then your brain will work against your success.
If you believe you’re not enough then – take a guess what’s going to happen.

I really hope you enjoyed this video today.

My name is Maryke and I work with various things. I work with Sexual issues, and help to enhance pleasure and I help people relate differently to their sexuality. I also help people create new abundance stories. I’m a metaphysician of sex and of your success mindset.

I use pleasure to help you reach your goals. Because pleasure changes the brain neurochemically. Which makes it easier for you to lean into your success and to release the painful experiences that have prevented you from succeeding.